Winter is in full swing, and if you follow me on twitter you know i hate it. I’m trying to be better, I promise.
One thing I will say that has helped is i’ve fully embraced being cozy as a seasonal hobby. There’s lots to enjoy in the world of cozy and i’d like to share with you some of my favorites- no referrals here, just always on the look out to be 2° cozier.
🔗 Offhours Home Coat
I am all in on the Home Coat from Off Hours, which admittedly barely fits me as one of sza’s certified big boys, but it truly feels like the perfect robe to explore my winter seasonal depression as i enter into a deep staring contest with the SAD lamp I got for Christmas from my parents.
🔗 Bombas Slippers
I bought these grippy slipper socks from Bombas for my whole family for Christmas and they have really have made the cold tolerable.
🔗 Chonky mugs
I bought a few beautiful mugs from Workaday Handmade and Putnam Studio last year and they’ve made drinking tea all the more enjoyable. They are hard to get ahold of, so I definitely recommend jumping on the mailing lists.
🔗 Some Movies and Books
• A Short Hike (Game) - I am not really into ~gaming~, but I’ve made an effort to try and allow myself to engage in a bit more play as I enter into my thirties, something I feel like I deprived of myself in my 20s. A Short Hike is a very wholesome, quick game —you can start and finish it in one or two sittings)— with beautiful graphics music and and a really touching story.
• The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House (Netflix) - been enjoying this very low drama, beautifully shot show by the director of Shoplifters
• Kiki’s Delivery Service (HBO Max) is a really beautiful portrait on burnout.
• Heartstopper (Graphic Novel), I recently devoured the graphic novels, which you can easily work your way through in a weekend though I recommend pacing yourself, it’s worth the ride.
• Dan in Real Life (Disney+), the last good rom com, directed by none other than the father of Lucas Hedges. Nepo babies are among us!
🔗 What are your cozy musts?
I am by no means a cozy expert, so I would love to know what keeps you going from January to March in the comments. Products, books, playlists, I’d like to hear it all <3.
Stay warm, link-heads.